Review of research on using hydrogen fuel in an ecologically pure internal combustion engine


  • С. О. Пилипенко Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering AN Podgorny NAS, Ukraine


hydrogen, global energy consumption, alternative fuels, the valuation of CO2 emissions vehicles, the consumption of fossil fuel


Presents the analysis of dynamics of development the world energy market, taking into account population growth. Analysis of consumption of fossil fuels for the previous years with the approximate relationship reserve stocks of coal, natural gas, oil. Analyzed the environmental component, relating to the influence of vehicle emissions in the urban environment on human health. Present the comparative analysis of emissions of atmospheric pollutants during combustion of hydrocarbon fuels vehicles with emissions from the combustion of alternative fuels. Represented by the cost of fuel for road transport and their connection with the equivalent carbon dioxide emissions in several types of fuel. The most promising alternative fuels derived from other resources other than oil. Analyzed the percentage of the potential use of alternative fuels for vehicles. The methods of hydrogen storage. By exploring a number of factors demonstrated that hydrogen - the most promising source of energy. Presents the urgency for today transfer of internal combustion engines on hydrogen or gasoline - hydrogen composite fuel. Demonstrated that the ultimate goal of hydrogen technology envisages the displacement of fossil fuel filling station market, which is the best way to ensure the speedy introduction of environmentally friendly energy.


Population Division United States Census Bureau International Database. World population: 1950-2050.

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Ecological aspects of operation of power equipment