Computer-aided Design of Centrifugal Pump Hydraulics


  • А. С. Косторной JSC "VNIIAEN" Scientific Research and Design Institute of Atomic Energy and pump engineering, Ukraine


hydraulics, centrifugal pump, inverse design problem, equal velocity flow, quasi-potential flow, viscosity, ideal fluid


The present paper deals with a new theoretical approach to design of centrifugal pump hydraulics. The task of designing an impeller blade for a given rate of flow and rotational speed on the basis of hypothesis of infinitely large number of infinitely thin blades as a rule is limited to solving a certain inverse axially symmetric problem which defines a surface form for a flow averaged over circumferential coordinate and in time. Fluid models of a potential or an equal velocity meridional flow normally used for profiling an impeller blade fail to account for the condition of perpendicularity of stream lines with respect to vortex lines, while it is essential and sufficient for normal sections in a fluid flow. The condition of perpendicularity of a velocity vector with respect to a vorticity vector (quasi-potential flow) does not contribute to the generation of secondary flows, while any other does. Therefore a special place among problems that are solved by approximate methods may be given to those which allow to divide the flow field of a viscous fluid in two distinctive domains, namely, the outer domain where viscous effects are insignificant and the flow may thus be approximately considered as quasi-potential, and the boundary layer in which the flow is of a vortex-type but the condition of perpendicularity for the velocity and vorticity vectors is satisfied.

Author Biography

А. С. Косторной, JSC "VNIIAEN" Scientific Research and Design Institute of Atomic Energy and pump engineering



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Aero- and hydrodynamics in energy machines