Power Engineering and Global Climate Warming


  • П. М. Канило A.N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine


Ice ages, ice-free periods, biosphere, greenhouse gases, biotic climate stabilizing, fuel combustion, ecology, global climate warming


Presently, three ecological problems are in the focus of humanities concern: the global climate warming on Earth, the future of the ozone layer and the circularity of global bio-geo-chemical cycles (the concept of biotic regulation of the environment). Further climate warming can result in adverse consequences such as enhanced evaporation of World Ocean water and intensification of the greenhouse effect, stratosphere cooling and respective thinning of the protective ozone screen, a rising level of the World Ocean and flooding of coastal areas inhabited by over 60 % of the planet's population. Special focus should be placed on further research in the global carbon cycle due to the unresolved problem of "lost drain" of carbon dioxide caused, among other reasons, by decaying effectiveness and productivity of functioning of degrading and destructed photosynthesizing system on land and in the World Ocean, including a slowdown of their regulatory and climate stabilizing functions. A conclusion is substantiated that the current climate warming is an anthropogenic-ecological reality related to the dramatic growth of human population and its depredation of NATURE, the intensely increasing level of ineffective utilization of natural resources and critically hazardous environmental pollution with supertoxic materials, and the degradation, deterioration and destruction of biosphere systems, including the global biota. All this results in a declining quality of their functioning, including their bioproductivity, environment forming and climate stabilizing functions. Hence, surmounting the crisis is seen as changing the vector of economic development and greening of all human activity areas, including stabilizing the population size and restoring critical natural ecosphere regulators, and among them, the planet's climate.

Author Biography

П. М. Канило, A.N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences


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Ecological aspects of operation of power equipment