Heat and mass transfer in the heated from below free cylindrical elementary convection cell with a conical cavity bottom


  • Л. С. Бозбей Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems, Ukraine
  • А. О. Костиков Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems, Ukraine
  • В. И. Ткаченко Kharkiv national University VN Karazin, Ukraine


elementary convection cell, free boundary, convective processes, heat transfer, temperature gradient


The problem of thermal convection of a viscous incompressible fluid in a cylindrical elementary convective cell with a conical bottom and free boundary conditions is considered. The analytical solutions of a stationary linear Rayleigh problem in the case of free boundary conditions as basic functions should be used. The spatial field distribution of the flow velocities in the cell with conical bottom was defined. Stokes’ functions are built in a cylindrical free convective cell with plane boundaries and in the conical cavity bottom as well. Current lines distributions in cells with different model functions are qualitatively alike; different model functions of current lines differ in the numerical value of their maximum. The distribution model Stokes’ streamlines temperature perturbations in a cylindrical elementary convective cell with a conical bottom and free boundary conditions are obtained based on the Fujiwara effect

Author Biographies

А. О. Костиков, Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems

Doctor of Technical Science

В. И. Ткаченко, Kharkiv national University VN Karazin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


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Heat transfer in engineering constructions