Globalization and integrative factors of the formation of the culture of the post-Soviet space
DOI:Ключові слова:
culture, globalization, integration, holism, anti-holism.Анотація
The purpose of the article is an analysis of the cultural formation of the post-Soviet space in the age of globalization. Methodology. The research methods represent theoretical and interpretative models of analysis of the mechanisms of cultural formation in the context of the post-Soviet space of modern culture, in particular, the use of comparative and systematic approaches. The culture of everyday life is viewed in the context of the historical and cultural transformations of the post-totalitarian regime. The scientific novelty is to reveal the peculiarities of the interpretation and interaction of cultures as reflective attitudes, in particular characterized by holism (the primacy of the system) as a system-consolidating turn and anti-holism (the dominant part, subsystems), which attests to the initiatives of the anti-globalist movements. It has been proved that the globalization of culture cannot be described only as an extensive growth of information technologies. The essence is to homogenize and unify the exchange of cultures. Conclusions. Factors of cultural integration in the context of globalization press are identified as an anti-globalization project to counteract capital expansion and cultural colonization. It is proved that the universalization of communication and information space leads to supra-systemic cultural entities (emergence of planetary information government, communicative ethics, synthesism of reception and production of information on the Internet, etc.). The emphasis is put on the formation of a synthetic cultural discipline - totalology, which makes it possible to understand the processes of globalization and integration in the post-Soviet space on the basis of the application of meta cultural analytical tools within the theory of large systems.Посилання
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