The clustering as a necessary condition to solve the problem of municipal solid waste treatment


  • Т. А. Сафранов Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • Т. П. Шаніна Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • В. Ю. Приходько Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • О. А. Філатова Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine


municipal solid waste, waste treatment, cluster


The problem of dealing with solid household waste (SHW) is the most urgent component of ensuring national security for Ukraine, since the amount of accumulated waste is considered as one of the factors of a progressive ecological and economic crisis. In the face of growing shortages of raw materials, the effective management of solid waste becomes one of the most important areas of resource conservation. The problem of solid waste is relevant to the southern regions of Ukraine, because the volumes of waste accumulated in the region are considered as one of the factors of progressive ecological stress and reduction of recreational potential. Purpose. Justification of cluster structure in the sphere of municipal solid waste treatment for certain regions of Ukraine. Results. The cluster structure in the sphere of municipal solid waste treatment in Odessa and Kherson regions is developed. The cluster structure is represented by three levels: developers of technological and logistic chains; points and the city recycling center, waste sorting enterprises; organizations and institutions that provide business entities first and second levels. Conclusions. The clustering is way of a complex solution of the municipal solid waste treatment problem. The developed structure of the cluster in the sphere of municipal solid waste treatment for certain regions of Ukraine allows to define interrelation of the specified sphere with other branches of regional economy and to solve a problem of generation and accumulation of municipal solid waste with secondary material resources receiving.

Author Biographies

Т. А. Сафранов, Odessa State Environmental University

д-р. геол.-мін. наук, проф.,

Т. П. Шаніна, Odessa State Environmental University

канд. хім. наук, доц.

В. Ю. Приходько, Odessa State Environmental University

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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