On the Issue of Research of Information Support of Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes Formation
Some results of the work of the collective on the issues of information support for the creation and maintenance of the functioning of modern sustainable agricultural landscapes. Namely, verification of erosion models, studies of the functionality of shelter belts, the formation of an agroeconet (an extensive network of natural and quasi-natural landscapes) on agricultural land massifs, which ensures the maintenance of stable functioning of meso and macrolevel agrolandscapes, as well as the experience of using magnetic prospecting methods to verify the results of mathematical modeling of erosion processes.
A number of methodological approaches to information support of the formation of sustainable agricultural landscapes in the natural and socio-economic conditions of Ukraine have been developed. They relate to the functioning of anti-erosion measures of permanent action, the processes of modern transformation of agro-landscapes, the ecological impact of erosion processes on the environment. The connection between the length of forest belts per unit of arable land and soil erosion is shown. A methodical approach has been developed to estimate the amount of soil washed away from arable land and to calculate the measures necessary to eliminate its harmful effects on the environment.
Copyright (c) 2020 Круглов О. В., Коляда В. П., Ачасова А. О., Шевченко М. В., Назарок П. Г.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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