Evaluation of the carbon capacity of single breed wood stands – elements of the green infrastructure of Kharkiv
The value of the carbon capacity of the elements of the green infrastructure makes it possible to find out the amount of accumulated carbon in plants throughout their life, and, as a result, to establish the provision of the city with green spaces.
Purpose. To investigate the carbon capacity of the green infrastructure of the Kharkiv city.
Methods. Statistical, modeling methods, methods of measurement and comparison.
Results. Six objects of single-breed tree stands of the green infrastructure of the city of Kharkiv were studied: linear protective plantings, green boulevards, where the main species is maple (Acer platanoides) and on the territory of the objects of the nature reserve fund - a regional landscape park and a forest reserve, where the main the species is pedunculated oak (Quercus robur). It was determined that about 60-80% of the total amount of carbon accumulates in the living phytomass of plants, litter deposits from 1 to 7% of carbon, and the rest accumulates in the soil. In living phytomass, the largest share of carbon is accumulated in the trunk of the plant, and the smallest amount is in the leaves. There is a direct dependence of the amount of deposited carbon on the area of green spaces, which increases along with the increase in the area of the facility. The total mass of deposited carbon on six researched objects, with a total area of 252.1 ha, is 48357.47 t, or 191.84 t/ha.
Conclusions. A direct relationship between the area of green infrastructure objects and the amount of organic carbon deposited in them has been established. The most carbon accumulates in the living phytomass of plants, namely in the trunk of plants, and the least in the leaves of plants. Oak plantations store more carbon than maple plantations.
Copyright (c) 2022 Максименко Н. В., Бурченко С. В., Шпаківська І. М., Кротько А. С.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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