Ecological-Economic Suitability of the Soils for Growing of Spring Barley (Hordeum Sativum L.)


  • J. Vilček Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute Bratislava, regional work place Presov, Raymannova st. 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic University of Presov in Presov, faculty of management, Konštantínova st.15, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic, Slovakia
  • S. TORMA University of Presov in Presov, faculty of management, Konštantínova st.15, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic, Slovakia
  • А. LISNYAK V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, ecological faculty, Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and agroforestry named by G.M. Vysotsky,, Ukraine


differentiate, rural land, soil suitabilit, growing, spring barley


Purpose. To differentiate rural land of Slovakia with aspect to the possibility of effective spring barley growing. Methods. Soil investigation oriented to soil reaction study took place in two agricultural enterprises in 2010 and it was repeated after four years again. Results. At soil categorization, correlation relationships between the site properties (soil and climatic conditions) and crop biological and agrotechnical requirements were considered. Spring barley requirements were included into yield databases using the software filters in the way that the given site property excluded or limited barley growing, what was reflected in predicted production. The prediction was subsequently interpolated into four suitability categories: soils not suitable for spring barley growing, less suitable soils, suitable soils and very suitable soils. The database formed and each of the Bonited Pedo-Ecological Unit (BPEU) was added in it as well as particular category of suitability for barley growing. By mediation of the Geographic Information System on BPEU distribution in Slovakia, the map of categories of soil suitability for spring barley growing was also generated. Conclusions. In Slovakia, there is 20 % of farmland very suitable for spring barley growing, 24 % suitable, 24 % less suitable and 32 % non suitable soils for spring barley growing according to our calculation. In the paper, these categories are characterized in details and specified from the view of geographic, soil, climatic, productivity, economic and energetic parameters.

Author Biographies

J. Vilček, Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute Bratislava, regional work place Presov, Raymannova st. 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic University of Presov in Presov, faculty of management, Konštantínova st.15, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic

prof., PhD.,

S. TORMA, University of Presov in Presov, faculty of management, Konštantínova st.15, 080 01 Prešov, Slovak Republic


А. LISNYAK, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, ecological faculty, Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and agroforestry named by G.M. Vysotsky,

assist. prof., PhD.


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research