Техніка міофасціального релізу для зняття м’язової напруги під час гри у Шаффлборд
Shuffleboard, myofascial release, trigger pointsAbstract
Self-massage, which is used before and after training or competitions, has been found to be one of the effective methods of relieving muscle tension in Shuffleboard players. It has been found that a self-massage procedure can be carried out with the help of a tennis ball. It is recommended to use self-massage with tennis balls to eliminate spasm of muscles and fascia.
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https://www.blackroll.com.ua/blogs/blog/chto-takoe-miofastsialnyy-reliz-i- zachem-on-nuzhen
https://www.bsmu.edu.ua/blog/miofasczialnyj-reliz-yak-neobhidna-umova- dlya-zberezhennya-zdorovya-suchasnoyi-lyudyny/
https://jak.koshachek.com/articles/zrozumiti-ci-pravila-shafflbord-vsesvitno- vidomij.html.