
  • Наталія Кондак Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Ukraine
  • Юлія Калмикова Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Ukraine
  • Сергій Калмиков Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Ukraine


stone massage, dynamic massage, SPA therapy, static massage, stone therapy


A stone massage as a relaxing treatment combines the benefits of a relaxing massage, aromatherapy, thermotherapy and acupressure. The stone massage is a form of impact on the body which uses mechanical stimuli, the pressure on the tissue in order to induce physiological reactions [1].


Radziejowski P. Hot stone massage therapy-mechanisms of the influence on the human organism of selected methods of use. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018. 8(5). Р. 335-348.

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Li L., Xi Y., Wang Y., Gao Y., Lv, X., Liu, S., ... & Chen G. Heat-stone massage for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a protocol for multicenter randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Medicine. 2023. 10. Р. 1215858-1215858.

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Elizabeta Popova Ramova .Volcanic Stone Massage and Its Benefits. South Asian Res J App Med Sci, N/A. 2021 .Р 3.

Ghavami H., Shamsi S.A., Abdollahpoor B., Radfar M., Khalkhali H. R. Impact of hot stone massage therapy on sleep quality in patients on maintenance hemodialysis: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences: the Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 2019. 24. Р. 71-71.

Jain A., Sawarkar P. Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of Modified Ashmaghnasveda (Stone Therapy) and Choornapindasveda in Management of Katigraha (Lumbar spondylosis). Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2021. Р.24.

Skillgate E., Pico-Espinosa O.J., Côté P., Jensen I., Viklund P., Bottai M., Holm L.W. Effectiveness of deep tissue massage therapy, and supervised strengthening and stretching exercises for subacute or persistent disabling neck pain. The Stockholm Neck (STONE) randomized controlled trial. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2020. 45. P. 102070.

Febrianto B., Khairunnisa N. N. P. R., Putri A.J.Y., Alpiah D.N. Efektivitas Hot Stone Massage Pada Penderita Low Back Pain (LBP): Literature Review. Calory Journal: Medical Laboratory Journal. 2023. Vol. 1 No. 4. P. 66-71.

Lindquist R., Tracy M. F., Snyder, M. Complementary Therapies in Nursing: Promoting Integrative Care.2022.Р419-420.




