regularities, principles, recreation and tourist’s system, differentiation, diversification of servicesAbstract
The regularities of tourist’s and recreational systems are considered. It is assumed that the regularities of the formation of tourist’s and recreational systems are economic laws that reflect the most important and objective causal relationships between their components. Among these patterns: differentiation of tourist’s and recreational needs of the population, differentiation of recreational tourist’s activities, tourists flow concentration, use of natural and recreational potential is proportional to transport accessibility, the correlation of the settlement system, complex use of natural and recreational potential of the area. It is proved that the knowledge and use of regularities allows the efficient use of natural and recreational potential of the region, optimization of recreational-tourist’s activities at the national and regional levels. The principles of the formation of tourist’s and recreational systems mean the basic science-based rules upon which the central and regional governments are able to influence the use of the environment for promoting public health, regulating the flow of tourists and developing a strategy of innovative development of recreation areas. These principles are: the increase of efficient use of natural and recreational potential, diversity of natural resources, diversified development of recreational and tourist’s services, the formation of tourist’s and recreational centers, the necessity to ensure the functioning of recreational and tourist’s systems. The identification of the relationship between the regularities and principles of recreational and tourist’s systems as an important basis for their environmental and economic diagnosis, introduction of innovative forms of development of recreational and tourist’s activities and development of strategies of environmental-economic development of recreation are conducted. It is proved that complex management processes of use of natural and recreational potential of the area and the prognostic-software development trends are based on the set of these principles of tourist’s and recreational systems. The formation of recreational and tourist’s entities is linked with the development of other regional systems, such as systems of settlement and transport network.References
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