

ecologization of economic activity, environmentally focused activities, preferential lending, economic methods of motivation, environmental safety management


The necessity of functioning of national economy on the principles of a sustainable development considerably causes the actualization of the question of development and implementation of the motivational incentive mechanism of business entities in the realization of environmental activities areas. The author of the article describes the types and directions of application of motivational tools of the regional development management, pays an attention to problems of the environmentally policy in Ukraine. The defects of the practical application of economic motivational methods to the environmentally oriented activity are examined. The author stresses the use of the experience of ecologization policy of the leading countries of the world. The development of this approach should complete domestic economic stimulation methods to reduce human impact on the environment and contribute to more adequate perception of the values ofnatural functions in the economic evaluation of the ecosystem services.

Author Biography

Людмила Федорівна Соколенко, Сумський національний аграрний університет

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Regional economics