

bank, financial stability, financial stability of the bank


The increase of financialization of national economies and growth of the intensity and scaled of financial crises, which originate in the banking sector, and quickly spread to the other sectors of the economy determine urgency of the necessity of ensuring the stability of the banking sector, which become a background for sustainable development of the whole economy. The main prerequisite for financial stability of banks is to develop the optimal mechanism of its evaluation, which would allow identifying the problematic aspects, until the spread of its destructive influence. It is necessary to study the main methods of assessment of financial stability of banks. It should be noted that the most widely used indicators of financial stability today in the world are: Financial Soundness Indicators which are developed by the IMF; evaluation systemRATE, which is used inthe UK and the USA system CAMELS, each has its own specific features, advantages and disadvantages. However, the national system of evaluation of financial stability of banks should combine the most progressive components of the international systems, and take into consideration researches of the domain scientists, which allow taking into account specifics of the national economy functioning.

Author Biography

Олена Олександрівна Ткаченко, Черкаський інститут банківської справи УБС НБУ

старший викладач кафедри банківської справи Черкаського інституту банківської справи УБС НБУ


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