Application of real and complex splines in infocommunication problems


  • Irina Strelkovskaya International Humanities University, Ukraine
  • Irina Solovskaya International Humanities University, Ukraine
  • Juliya Strelkovska National University "Odesa Law Academy", Ukraine



The work offers the solution to problems of analysis and synthesis of infocommunication systems with the help of real and complex spline functions. The use of the spline approximation method for solving problems of recovery of random signals and self-similar traffic, management of network objects and network as a whole, and procedures of infocommunication objects and networks functioning is offered. To solve the problems of forecasting, in particular, forecasting the characteristics of network traffic and maintaining the QoS characteristics in its service and formation of requirements for network buffer devices, developed spline extrapolation based on different types of real spline functions, namely: linear, quadratic, quadratic B-splines, cubic, cubic B-splines, cubic Hermite splines. As a criterion for choosing the type of spline function, the prediction error is selected, the accuracy of which can be increased by using a particular kind of spline, depending on the object being predicted. The use of complex flat spline functions is considered to solve the class of user positioning problems in the radio access network. In general, the use of real and complex spline functions allows obtaining the results of improving the Quality of Service in the infocommunication network and ensuring the scalability of the obtained solutions.

Author Biography

Irina Strelkovskaya, International Humanities University

Посада: декан факультету програмної інженерії та комп’ютерних наук Науковий ступінь: доктор технічних наук.
Вчене звання: професор.
Наукові інтереси: сплайн-апроксимація функцій в областях з квазіконформною межею, математичне моделювання систем зв’язку з використанням тензорного и вейвлет аналізу.




