Optimization of mobile drain route in a wireless sensor network


  • Liubov Melnikova Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
  • Yelena Linnyk Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
  • Mykola Kryvoshapka Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
  • Valerii Barsuk Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,




Wireless sensor net, Validity time, Mobile drain, Travelling salesman problem


The article describes the introduction of a mobile drain as one of the promising methods of energy balancing in wireless sensor networks. In order to reduce the data transfer delay time during the polling of routers, the article states and solves the problem of optimizing the mobile drain route, presented in the form of the traveling salesman problem. To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the method for solving the problem, an experimental study was conducted using the Matlab package. The traveling salesman problem was solved for uniform and normal distribution of distances between network routers. The values of the sample average length of the optimal mobile drain route and the length of the route without optimization on a sample of 500 experiments were obtained. The reliability of the simulation results is confirmed by recursive estimates of the length of the route. It is shown that the use of optimization when choosing a mobile drain route in wireless sensor networks makes it possible, on average, to reduce the length of a bypass path of a mobile drain by 30-40% compared with a random bypass depending on the law of the distribution of distances between nodes. Minimizing the length of the mobile drain route reduces the polling time of routers in the sensor network and ensures a decrease in the delay of data transmission in the network with an increase in the network lifetime.


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