
  • В. Клименко Kirovograd National Tehchnicai University, Avenue Universite, Ukraine
  • М. Босий Kirovograd National Tehchnicai University, Avenue Universite, Ukraine
  • В. Парафійник «Sumy Machine Building Research and Production Association named after M.V. Frunze» JSC, Ukraine
  • С. Прилипко «Sumy Machine Building Research and Production Association named after M.V. Frunze» JSC, Ukraine



Gas hydrates, Natural gas, Formation of gas hydrates, Melting, Hydrates formation heat, Gas turbine drive, Thermotransformer


The way of ensuring of gas turbine drive (GTD) efficiency with  fuel gas presence,  pressure of which is lower than technologically permissible in the fuel gas gasturbine drive combustion chamber  on  the  basis  of  gas  hydrate  technology  has  been  considered.  The  schematic  of  fuel  gas gashydrate booster device (FGGBD) is given and gas turbine drive with FGGBD operation principle is  reported.  The FGGBD operating cycle is also shown for the specific composition of fuel gas, its initial pressure and pressure in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine drive.  The thermodynamic parameters of the cycle reference poins are determined.



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Onyhchenko V. O. Zastosuvannya gazo-gіdratnih technologiy in naftogazovіy promislovostі / V. O. Onyshchenko, V.V. Klymenko // Rozvіdka quod na¬phtha rozrobka vapors. – 2011. – №4(11). – S. 5-8.

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Englezos P, Kalogerakis N, Dholabhai P. D. and Bisnhoi P. R. /Kinetics of Formations of Methane and Ethane Gas Hydrates. //Chem.. Eng. Sci. – 1987,42. –р. 2647-2651.

Пристатейна бібліографія

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Онищенко В.О. Застосування газогідрат-них технологій в нафтогазовій промисло-вості / В. О. Онищенко, В. В. Клименко // Розвідка та розробка нафтових і газових родовищ. – 2011. – № 4(41). – С. 5-8.

Vysniauskas A., Bichnoi P.R. A Kinetic Study of Methane Hydrate Formation // IV Canadian Permalrast Conference. Calgary. – 1981. – p. 299-304.

Englezos P, Kalogerakis N, Dholabhai P. D. and Bisnhoi P. R. /Kinetics of Formations of Methane and Ethane Gas Hydrates . // Chem. .Eng. Sci.- 1987, 42. - р. 2647 - 2651.



Power engineering and energy saving