
  • Г.M. Чен Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University,
  • О.В. Дорошенко Odessa National academy of food technologies,
  • K.O. Шестопалов Odessa National academy of food technologies,
  • O.Я. Хлиєва Odessa National academy of food technologies,
  • A. Абдсеммед Алжирський технологічний університет,




evaporative cooler, multichannel packing, polymeric materials, coupled heat and mass transfer, recondensation


The concept of evaporative coolers of gases and fluids on the basis of monoblock multichannel polymeric structures is presented. Different schemes of indirect evaporative coolers, in which the natural cooling limit is the dew point of the ambient air, are discussed. In such systems the cooling temperature is lower than the wet bulb temperature of the ambient air. Special attention is paid to the recondensation of water vapor for deep evaporative cooling. It is shown that for the solution of the recondensation problem it is necessary to vary the ratio of the contacting air and water flows, particularly in each stage of the multistage system. Recommendations for the deep cooling process implementation in the evaporative coolers of gases and liquids are given.

Author Biography

A. Абдсеммед, Алжирський технологічний університет

University of Science and Technology



Doroshenko A.V., Glauberman M.A. 2012, Alternative energy. Refrigerating and Heating Sys-tems, Odessa I.I. Mechnicov National University Press, Odessa, Ukraine, 447 p.

Doroshenko A., Blyukher B. 2012, Solar Power Engineering (Theory, Development, Practice), Hand-book of Research on Solar Energy Systems and Tech-nologies IGI Global, USA, 445 р.

Hellman H.M., Grossman G. 1995, Simultation and analysis of an open-cycle dehumidifier-evaporator (DER) absorption chiller for low-grade heat utilization. Int. J. Refrig., 3: 177-189.

Lowenstein A., Novosel D. 1995, The seasonal performance of a liquid-desiccant air conditioner. ASHRAE Trans., US, 101: 679-685.

Chen G.M., Zheng J., Doroshenko A., Shestopalov K. 2014, Design and modeling of a collector-regenerator for solar liquid desiccant cooling system, International Sorption Heat Pump Con-ference, Washington.

Doroshenko A., Shestopalov K., Khliyeva O. 2014, Development of new schematic solutions and heat and mass transfer equipment for alternative solar liquid desiccant cooling systems, International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, Washington.

Foster R.E., Dijkastra E. 1996, Evaporative Air-Conditioning Fundamentals: Environmental and Economic Benefits World Wide. International Con-ference of Applications for Natural Refrigerants’ 96, Denmark, IIF/IIR, 101-109.

Steimle F. Development in Air-Conditioning. International Conference of Research, Design and Conditioning Equipment in Eastern European Contries, Bucharest, Romania, IIF/IIR. 13-29.

Maisotsenko V., Lelland Gillan, M. 2003, The Maisotsenko Cycle for Air Desiccant Cooling, 21h International Congress of Refrigeration IIR/IIF, Washington, D.C.

Hakan Caliskan, Arif Hepbasli, Ibrahim Dincer, Valeriy Maisotsenko, 2011, Thermodynam-ic performance assessment of a novel air cooling cycle: Maisotsenko cycle. International Journal of Refrigeration. 34: 980 – 990.

Sherwood T., Pigford R., Wilky C. 1982, Masstransfer, Moskow, Chimiza, 969 p.

Літературне посилання

Doroshenko A.V., Glauberman M.A. 2012, Alternative energy. Refrigerating and Heating Systems, Odessa I.I. Mechnicov National University Press, Odessa, Ukraine, 447 p.

Doroshenko A., Blyukher B. 2012, Solar Power Engineering (Theory, Development, Practice), Hand-book of Research on Solar Energy Systems and Tech-nologies IGI Global, USA, 445 р.

Hellman H.M., Grossman G. 1995, Simultation and analysis of an open-cycle dehumidifier-evaporator (DER) absorption chiller for low-grade heat utilization. Int. J. Refrig., 3: 177-189.

Lowenstein A., Novosel D. 1995, The seasonal performance of a liquid-desiccant air conditioner. ASHRAE Trans., US, 101: 679-685.

Chen G.M., Zheng J., Doroshenko A., Shestopalov K. 2014, Design and modeling of a col-lector-regenerator for solar liquid desiccant cooling system, International Sorption Heat Pump Confer-ence, Washington.

Doroshenko A., Shestopalov K., Khliyeva O. 2014, Development of new schematic solutions and heat and mass transfer equipment for alternative solar

liquid desiccant cooling systems, International Sorp-tion Heat Pump Conference, Washington.

Foster R.E., Dijkastra E. 1996, Evaporative Air-Conditioning Fundamentals: Environmental and Economic Benefits World Wide. International Conference of Applications for Natural Refrigerants’ 96, Denmark, IIF/IIR, 101-109.

Steimle F. Development in Air-Conditioning. International Conference of Research, Design and Conditioning Equipment in Eastern European Contries, Bucharest, Romania, IIF/IIR. 13-29.

Maisotsenko V., Lelland Gillan, M. 2003, The Maisotsenko Cycle for Air Desiccant Cooling, 21h International Congress of Refrigeration IIR/IIF, Washington, D.C.

Hakan Caliskan, Arif Hepbasli, Ibrahim Dincer, Valeriy Maisotsenko, 2011, Thermodynamic performance assessment of a novel air cooling cycle: Maisotsenko cycle. International Journal of Refriger-ation. 34: 980 – 990.

Sherwood T., Pigford R., Wilky C. 1982, Masstransfer, Moskow, Chimiza, 969 p.




Refrigeration engineering