
  • В.Л. Бондаренко Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine
  • С.В. Артеменко Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies,
  • Є.Г. Корж Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies,



Krypton – Xenon – Thermophysical properties of mixtures – Equation of state – Phase equilibria


Improvement of installation for enrichment of inert gases (krypton and xenon) requires knowledge of properties for components of air and based on it mixtures. Review of equations of state is presented in this study. The methods and  calculations for phase equilibira diagram for binary mixtures Kr-Xe, Kr-O2 and Kr-N2are performed on the base of Soave – Redlich – Kwong equation of state. Results of calculations are in agreement with experimental data. The model developed in this study is applicable for elaboration of properties of multicomponent krypton and xenon concentrates mixtures



Akademiya Konyuktury promyshlennyx rynkov, Rossiya,

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Lemmon, E.W. and Span, R., "Short Funda-mental Equations of State for 20 Industrial Fluids," J. Chem. Eng. Data, 51:785-850, 2006.

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Buecker, D. and Wagner, W. "A Reference Equation of State for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ethane for Temperatures from the Melting Line to 675 K and Pressures up to 900 MPa", J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 35(1):205-266, 2006.

Span, R. and Wagner, W., "A New Equation of State for Carbon Dioxide Covering the Fluid Region from the Triple-Point Temperature to 1100 K at Pres-sures up to 800 MPa,"J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 25(6):1509-1596, 1996.

Span, R., Lemmon, E.W., Jacobsen, R.T, Wagner, W., and Yokozeki,A. "A Reference Quality Thermodynamic Property Formulation for Nitrogen," J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 29(6):1361-1433, 2000. see also Int. J. Thermophys., 14(4):1121-1132, 1998.

Tillner-Roth R. Die Thermodynamischen Eigenscaften von R152a, R134a und ihren Gemischen – Messungen und Fundamentalgleichungen. – Stuttgart: DKV-Verlag, 1993. – Forsch. Ber. DKV No.41.

Мазур В.А. и др. Оценка термодинамической эффективности азеотропных смесей хладагентов с низкими значениями потенциала глобального по-тепления // Технические газы. – 2010. – №1. – pp. 61-68.

Platzer B., Maurer G. Application of a general-ized Bender equation of state to the description of vapor-liquid equilibria in binary systems // Fluid Phase Equilib. – 1993. – 84. – P. 79-110

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Masterh S.-G. J. Dampf-Flussig-Gleichgewichtsdaten der Systeme Ar-N2, Kr-Ar, Kr-N2 und Xe-Kr sowie Löslichkeitsgrenzen des festen Xenons und des festen Kryptons in flüssigen Luftcomponenten. / Ber. Kernforschungsanlage Jü-lich. – Vol. 1145. – 1380,VI. (1977) P. 1-113.

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Літератруне посилання

Академия Конъюнктуры Промышленных Рынков, Россия,

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NIST Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties (REFPROP. Version 9.1): [U.S. Department of Commerce] // National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland. – 2013.

Lemmon, E.W. and Span, R., "Short Funda-mental Equations of State for 20 Industrial Fluids," J. Chem. Eng. Data, 51:785-850, 2006.

Setzmann, U. and Wagner, W., "A New Equa-tion of State and Tables of Thermodynamic Prop-erties for Methane Covering the Range from the Melting Line to 625 K at Pressures up to 1000 MPa" J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 20(6):1061-1151, 1991.

Buecker, D. and Wagner, W. "A Reference Equation of State for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ethane for Temperatures from the Melting Line to 675 K and Pressures up to 900 MPa", J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 35(1):205-266, 2006.

Span, R. and Wagner, W., "A New Equation of State for Carbon Dioxide Covering the Fluid Region from the Triple-Point Temperature to 1100 K at Pres-sures up to 800 MPa,"J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 25(6):1509-1596, 1996.

Span, R., Lemmon, E.W., Jacobsen, R.T, Wagner, W., and Yokozeki,A. "A Reference Quality Thermodynamic Property Formulation for Nitrogen," J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 29(6):1361-1433, 2000. see also Int. J. Thermophys., 14(4):1121-1132, 1998.

Tillner-Roth R. Die Thermodynamischen Eigenscaften von R152a, R134a und ihren Gemi-schen – Messungen und Fundamentalgleichungen. – Stuttgart: DKV-Verlag, 1993. – Forsch. Ber. DKV No.41.

Мазур В.А. и др. Оценка термодинамической эффективности азеотропных смесей хладагентов с низкими значениями потенциала глобального по-тепления // Технические газы. – 2010. – №1. – pp. 61-68.

Platzer B., Maurer G. Application of a general-ized Bender equation of state to the description of vapor-liquid equilibria in binary systems // Fluid Phase Equilib. – 1993. – 84. – P. 79-110

Hubner M.L., Ely J.F. // Int. J. Refrig. – 1994. – 17.– P.18-31

Peng D.-Y., Robinson D.B. A New Two-Constant Equation of State // Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. – 1976. – 15. – P. 59-64.

Soave G. Equilibrium Constants From a Modi-fied Redlich-Kwong Equation of State // Chem. Eng. Sci. – 1972. – 27. – P. 1197-1203.

Masterh S.-G. J. Dampf-Flussig-Gleichgewichtsdaten der Systeme Ar-N2, Kr-Ar, Kr-N2 und Xe-Kr sowie Löslichkeitsgrenzen des festen Xenons und des festen Kryptons in flüssigen Luftcomponenten. / Ber. Kernforschungsanlage Jü-lich. – Vol. 1145. – 1380,VI. (1977) P. 1-113.

Schmidt, R.и Wagner, W., "A New Form of the Equation of State for Pure Substances and its Application to Oxygen," Fluid Phase Equilibria, 19:175-200, 1985. also published in: Stewart, R.B., Jacobsen, R.T, and Wagner, W., "Thermodynamic Properties of Oxygen from the Triple Point to 300 K with Pressures to 80 MPa," J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 20(5):917-1021, 1991.



Refrigerating and accompanying technologies