Air ions – Ionization – Indoor air quality.Abstract
In the paper the experimental results of air ions distribution from corona charge ionizers of different designs and capacities in the office space are given. The study has been carried out using such ionizers as:
- effluence bipolar ionizer IWS-12D1-AE (Israel) with the productivity of 5·109 ion/sec working in «dark corona»;
- effluence unipolar ionizer «Super Plus-Eco» (Russia) with the productivity of 5·1010 ion/sec working in «glowing corona»;
- ionizer «Breeze» equipped with fan and designed using the device IWS-12D1-AE working in «dark corona».
The small air ions counter MAC-01 (Russia) was used for determination of ions concentration. The results are presented as schemes demonstrating the air ions distribution at various height and distance from the ionizer to the breathing space of the person. The high local area concentration of negative air ions under the ionizer is detected. It is established that trajectories of air ions distribution from tested ionizers is characterized by a parabolical shape. The concrete recommendations for the arrangement of these devices are determined.
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Ліературне подання
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