
  • А.С. Бойчук Odessa National Maritime University, 34 Mechnikova str., Odessa, 65029, Ukraine, Ukraine




Refrigerants – R32 – R125 – Thermal conductivity – Equations.


Equations for thermal conductivity of alternative refrigerants R32and R125 for variable temperature and density were worked out. The reliable equation of state was used for each refrigerant. Coefficients of the equations were determined by least-square method

on the experimental data. The equations describe the thermal conductivity in the temperature range from 223 to 466 K at pressure up to 50 MPa for R32and  from 228 to 513 K at pressure up to 53 MPa for R125. The accuracy of the equations is acceptable for engineering calculations.



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doi: 10.1021/je0002078





Refrigeration engineering