
  • С.В. Сахарова Information-Communication Technologies’ Department V.S. Martinovsky Institute of Refrigeration Cryotechnologies and Ecoenergetics ONAFT Dvoryanskaya St. 1/3, Odessa, 65082, Ukraine



Access network – Parameters of access networks – Expert system – Design of telecommunication networks.


The subject of the research, some results of which are presented in this paper, is focused on the development of modern telecommunication networks in Ukraine and allows solving the problems at the networks design and organization of access to infocommunication services. The chosen theme is closely related with the main directions of the world telecommunications development, which are defined in the main existing regulations and laws. A characteristic feature of computer information systems’ progress, which are actual in Ukraine, is an absolute priority of expert systems’ development. Questions of the expert systems’ usage at the design and development of telecommunications networks in the modern world are considered in the paper.

The problem of expert system’s development, which allows enhancing of the design and operation of telecommunication and access networks, is being solved within the given work. Statement of the problem is limited by the development of the algorithm for the expert system’s development and analysis of the theoretical aspects of the knowledge based intelligent system’s design. Done work formulates the qualimetry problems and helps to understand how to build an expert system for the access networks’ rational development.

Expert system, allowing to choose proper access technology, is developed as an example. Particularly DSL technologies are considered at the first stage. The last mile is quite specific network’s segment. It should have enough bandwidth while providing great transmission range without regenerators. This expert system will determine the best option of DSL technology on the basis of the desired properties. The system is developed with the usage of Expek Pro software (version 1.5+) for Windows.

The article consists of five sections - introduction, problem statement, the main part - the necessity of an expert system’s development for the telecommunication networks’ design, an example of the developed expert system and conclusions, as well as includes bibliography, used at the work writing.



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O. Domaskina, O. Domaskin, 2012. Some features of information technology development of expert systems used in Ukraine // Natural Information Technologies. – Madrid: ITHEA, 2012. – P. 48-51 (in English).





Automatic, computer and telecommunication technologies