
  • М.Г. Хмельнюк Odessa national academy of food technologies, 1/3 Dvoryanskaya str., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine
  • Д.И. Важинский Odessa national academy of food technologies, 1/3 Dvoryanskaya str., Odessa, 65082,
  • Н.В. Жихарева Odessa national academy of food technologies, 1/3 Dvoryanskaya str., Odessa, 65082,



dehumidification - sorbent – condensing method


Most technological processes occur in the air environment. On the one hand, the air can be the raw material; on the other hand, it defines the parameters of the environment, in which the manufacturing processes take place. The air also plays essential role in the products storage, and it is applied not only to food but also to the construction material, technology etc. Human activity also occurs in the air environment. Finally, the air is a common working substance of many machines and systems. In all these cases, the air parameters play a decisive role and affect both on the quality of a received or stored products, and in some cases, on safety. They also determine the level of indoor comfort. The main task is the automated maintaining of air composition and parameters (temperature, relative humidity and velocity), favorable for business and leisure of people or required by the technological process of manufacturing companies. The main parameters that determine the air quality are the temperature and humidity. In many cases, the level of contamination plays an essential role, and besides as the contaminants may act mechanical particles and human wastes. In the systems of comfort air and technological conditioning the refrigerating processes with further drying and heating with further humidification have gained the greatest distribution. In the chambers with temperatures close to zero and positive ones, it is required, as a rule, the stable maintaining of relative air humidity at a technologically specified level. Thus, depending on the conditions, as external with respect to the chamber, so as internal, arises the necessity in air dehumidification or its humidification. For the stores with non-food products to avoid corrosion it  is necessary to maintain the low relative humidity. Production processes can occur in a variety of recommended parameters of the air environment. Modern air processing technologies allow to maintain the temperature and relative humidity at almost any level and are notable for the diversity of applied technologies.



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Refrigeration engineering