
  • А. М. Космачова Institute of Refrigeration, Cryotechnologies and EcoPower Engineering, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 1/3 Dvoryanskaya str., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • А. Л. Цикало Institute of Refrigeration, Cryotechnologies and EcoPower Engineering, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 1/3 Dvoryanskaya str., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine,



sanitary protection zone (SPZ ) – stationary and mobile sources of pollution – ammonia – chlorine – hydrogen chloride – ethylene – methane – natural filters – biogeocoenosis – flora – fauna.


XXI century – is a century of scientific and technical progress. Scientific researches that contribute the best technical development expose many-sided possibilities for work of modern and home enterprises. Products of their production provide the necessities of population, but here, natural resources are exhausted, an environment is contaminated, the places of dumps are increased, wastes utilization is small controlled. Taking into account these and many other questions by estimation and saving environmental preservation, where we live, there is a pressing question to reorganize the structure of SPZ of the dangerous enterprises and especially vulnerable objects with the purpose of maintenance of natural environment that will contribute the best existence of living objects. 



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Refrigerating and accompanying technologies