
  • М. О. Дрозд Odessa National Polytechnical University, av. Shevchenko, 1, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine
  • О. В. Дрозд Odessa National Polytechnical University, av. Shevchenko, 1, Odessa, 65044,
  • І. М. Ніколенко Одеська національна академія харчових технологій, вул. Дворянська, 1/3, м. Одеса, 65082,



Safety-critical computer systems – Digital components – Hidden faults – Models of checkability – Potentially hazardous points.


The problem of the hidden faults for which fault tolerant structure of the digital components does not guarantee function safety of the safety-critical systems is considered. The structural, functional and dual-modes models of checkability for the digital components are offered. The different ways for solving the problem by these models are determined. The expedience in use of the dual-modes model which opens the way for the methods of leveling of the checkability in normal and emergency modes and also detection and elimination of the potentially hazardous points in the digital components is shown.



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Automatic, computer and telecommunication technologies