
  • А.В. Дорошенко Odessa National academy of food technologies, 1/3 Dvoryanskaya str., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine
  • К.А. Ржесік Donetsk University of Economics and Trade named M. Tugan-Baranovsky, 31 Shchorsa str., Donetsk, 83050,
  • М.В. Гордієнко Donetsk University of Economics and Trade named M. Tugan-Baranovsky, 31 Shchorsa str., Donetsk, 83050,




, Evaporative cooler – Polymeric materials – Combined heat and mass transfer – Recondensation


The authors note the increasing importance of the evaporative methods of cooling, in particular, air coolers. On the basis of the evaporative coolers of indirect type (Indirect evaporative cooling, IEC) new decisions are worked out for chillers Ch-Rg* and Ch-Rg, in that the preliminary cooling of ambient air comes true in a heat-exchanger before its entering the evaporative cooler of EC, that provides lowering of the cooling limit to the dew point temperature of the ambient air of tр. Also several decisions were offered by the authors for multistage EC (IECg mst.) and, on the basis of the own experimental data, preliminary analysis of their fundamental possibilities was executed. The multichannel surfaces from polymeric materials were used as the nozzles in all
types of EC. Air coolers of direct type DEC and Ch-Rg* have as a cooling limit the temperature of ambient air wet thermometer. IEC indirect type coolers and chiller Ch-Rg allow to cool the air flow at unchanging dryness, that is promisingly for the construction of the climatization systems and for the EC different multi-stage decisions design and have as a cooling limit a temperature of ambient air dew point. The comparative analysis of new decisions potential showed that degree of approaching to the cooling limit t** = (t2г - tр1) for the multistage cooler of IECg mst. is t** = 3,50С, at t** = 5,50С for single-stage Ch-Rg. But for chiller Ch-Rg the cost and expenses of power on the organization process are significantly less.



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Power engineering and energy saving