
  • В.Й. Лабай Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 St. Bandery str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Д.І. Гарасим Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 St. Bandery str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine,



Exergetic balance  Air conditioning systems  Cleanrooms  Exergetic efficiency  Coefficient of transformation EER


Exergetic method is a universal way of thermodynamic research of various processes of energy transformation in energy technological systems, to which air conditioning system for cleanroom belongs. Implementation of exergetic analysis for energy technological system makes it possible to determine the influence of various elements of its system on its work and because of this to increase the effectiveness of work of energy technological system in general.

Effectiveness of work of any air conditioning system depends on energy effectiveness of refrigeration machine, which serves it and consumes electricity for reducing the heat of supply air which enters the room. And it means that the main purpose of selection of certain refrigeration machine for air conditioning system is to reach the maximum cooling capacity with minimum energy consumption.

Innovation mathematical research model of the central straight flow air conditioning system for cleanroom in order to computer estimation of its energy effectiveness by virtue of exergetic output-input ratio depending on different factors, which have influence on its work, in particular the coefficient of transformation EER of its refrigeration machine was used in this article. The dependences of exergetic output-input ratio  of chosen air conditioning system for cleanroom on coefficient of transformation EER of its refrigeration machine by different parameters of outdoor and indoor air and the temperature difference between the indoor and supply air were presented. It is shown, that the chosen air conditioning system should be preferably used by higher coefficient of transformation EER of its refrigeration machine and higher difference between temperatures of indoor and supply air by various temperatures of outdoor air, that will give the opportunity to gain the highest exergetic output-input ratio  , which means to gain the most advantageous economical variant of exploitation of chosen air conditioning system.


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Refrigeration engineering