
  • Г.А. Гнатовська Odessa state environmental University, Str. Lvovskaya.15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Т.Б. Вохменцева Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Str. Kanatnaya 112, Odessa, 65039, Ukraine,
  • Л.Б. Коваленко Odessa state environmental University, Str. Lvovskaya.15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine,
  • С.Д. Кузніченко Odessa state environmental University, Str. Lvovskaya.15, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine,



Reliability-oriented design – Thermoelectric devices – Reliability – Critical Information Systems – Heat-loaded elements.


The paper deals with the design of thermally loaded vehicles with two-stage thermoelectric cooling devices in CAD critical systems. In the design of thermoelectric cooling devices thermally loaded elements that are part of the critical information systems, an integral characteristic is reliability. The fundamental approach to ensure the reliability is  the parametric method, because the failure rate of the components are naturally included in the resulting intensity of a system failure. The importance of the parametric approach for the design of reliable information systems and its constituent components predetermines considerable attention to the development of computer-aided design in this direction. Research is aimed at solving problems of increasing the reliability of thermal loaded funds with cascade thermoelectric cooling devices that occur in CAD of critical information systems in a wide range of thermal loads, are relevant. Application of cascade thermoelectric cooling devices provides the highest reliability in comparison with other types of coolers. Quantitative estimation of reliability indices is crucial in the early stages of design and development tools of thermal-critical systems. The implementation of a subsystem CAD parametric models of the relationship of reliability and the basic parameters of a two-stage thermoelectric cooling device based on the selected mode of operation are proposed. Using this model allows to carry out  reliability-oriented design of a two-stage thermoelectric cooling device in CAD critical systems. CAD subsystem provides quantitative estimation of the failure rate and probability of failure of the two-stage thermoelectric cooling devices at the design stage in accordance with the specifications. When designing the thermal-funds, proposed by CAD, calculated parameters of two-stage thermoelectric cooling devices provide the minimum failure rate, which is the determining criterion. Comparative analysis of calculated data for the basic parameters of a two-stage thermoelectric device of specified design shows a choice of current modes of functioning, capable of predicting and significantly improve the performance of the failure rate and the probability of failure-free operation.


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Automatic, computer and telecommunication technologies