
  • В. М. Арсеньев Sumy State University, Ukraine
  • Владимир Валерьевич Мирошниченко Sumy State University, Ukraine
  • Николай Анатольевич Борисов Sumy State University, Ukraine




gas turbine unit, cooling of air, exergetic efficiency


The deterioration of the fuel efficiency of the gas turbine unit is especially severe when the temperature of the intake air 30°C and above. A significant increase in the thermodynamic efficiency of the gas turbine unit can be provided by the anthropogenic impact on the temperature and humidity of the intake air, which leads to a proportional reduction of the energy consumption for the compressor drive. Maintenance of  lower temperatures of the intake air is especially important  for the climatic conditions of gas producing countries in North Africa and the Middle East. Gas turbine plant has a large discharge energy potential, which can be utilized for the production of cold with a clear choice of the cooling method by using absorption refrigeration machines. To compare different combinations of gas turbine unit and waste heat recovery refrigeration machines is advisable to use exergy method of thermodynamic analysis. During  the exergy analysis of gas turbine units by using of absorption refrigerating machines it is necessary to take into consideration that the reset of thermo transformed heat flows requires a supply of electricity to drive pumps and fans in the recycling water supply system and to drive the pumps, the hot coolant and pumps in the intermediate circulation loops of heating the coolant and cooling water to the air cooler in the evaporator. Exergetic evaluation of the degree of excellence of gas turbine unit with absorption refrigeration machine was made based on the methodology set out in the work of the scientific school J. Tsatsaronis. This work presents an exergy analysis of cooling efficiency of cyclic air suction in the gas turbine unit by using of lithium bromide absorption refrigerating machine with taking into account of the flow resistance of the air cooler. The results of exergetic efficiency of technical complex of gas-turbine unit with an absorption refrigeration machine were compared with the gas turbine unit without cooling air to the compressor suction. It is also shown that when you increase the flow resistance of the air cooler the growth of efficient cooling power and exergy efficiency of the gas turbine unit stops.

Author Biographies

Владимир Валерьевич Мирошниченко, Sumy State University

Кафедра технической теплофизики, аспирант.

Николай Анатольевич Борисов, Sumy State University

Кафедра технической теплофизики, аспирант.


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Refrigeration engineering