
  • Г.С. Гайворонська Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 112 Kanatnaya str., Odessa, 65039, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Б.О. Рибалов Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 112 Kanatnaya str., Odessa, 65039, Ukraine, Ukraine




all-optical network, the transfer mode information, and multiplexing


In work the analysis of switching optical signals with electrical and optical control and requirements for switching systems that provide increased bandwidth telecommunication network. The model is considered and methods of implementing all-optical switching, do not use electro-optical and optoelectronic conversion of the information signal and does not require buffering of optical signals in all-optical switching device. Evaluated the feasibility of using different modes of information transfer for switching optical signals. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods label and position multiplexing. Describes a model of optical network with all-optical switching blocks of information. Expediency is proved to use for the task of block mode transfer information.


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Gayvoronska G.S. Features of optical switches’ usage in the modern information networks / G.S. Gayvoronska, A.V. Ryabtsov // Applicable Information Models. – Sofia: ITHEA, 2011. – № 22. – P. 169-181.

Gayvoronska G.S. Methods and devices for switching optical signals in information networks/ G.S. Gayvoronska, A.V. Ryabtsov // Refrigeration equipment and technology. – Odessa. – OSAR, 2010. – №2 (124). – P. 74-82 (in Russian)

G.S. Gayvoronska Phenomenological model of all-optical switch with optical addressing/ G.S. Gayvoronska, A.V. Ryabtsov // Visnyk SUICT. – 2012. – № 1. – S. 50-54 (in Russian)

Gayvoronska G.S. New approach to the construction of the structure switches optical signals / G.S. Gayvoronska, A.V. Ryabtsov // Visnyk SUICT. – 2012. – № 3. – P. 43-47 (in Russian)





Automatic, computer and telecommunication technologies