Development of the method for establishment of the electronic training portal for preparation of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine




methodology, National Guard of Ukraine, Internet network, e-learning portal, officers


The main sections of the e-learning portals for the training of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine are analyzed, which provides the opportunity to structure the portals. The main advantages and criteria for assessing the quality of the portal of e-learning are studied, which allow to determine the preliminary conditions for the development of a method for creating a portal for e-learning for the training of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine. The method of creating a portal for e-learning for the preparation of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine is formed, which allows to determine the main stages of creating the educational environment vai the Internet

Author Biography

Andrii Chukhlatyi, National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy sq., 3, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001

Department of Operative Art


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