Accompaniment as a special type of piano art: style and texture specific




accompaniment, concertmaster, style, texture, piano accompaniment, ensemble, intonation image, artistry, professional skills, musical expressiveness


The article analyzes the texture and stylistic features of accompaniment as a type of the piano art. A comparative analysis of the professional qualities and importance of the accompanist and concertmaster makes it possible to identify the peculiarities of their activities, which should be taken into. The main focus of this research is determination of the contemporary approach to the accompaniment and its application in the ensemble (with an instrumentalist or vocalist). The author substantiates the concept of accompaniment and reveals the stylistic and texture specificity of the accompaniment in the performing process

Author Biography

Alexander Sklyarov, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture Bursatskyi uzviz, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61057

Professor, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Head of Departament

Departament of Piano


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