Diagnostics of typical faults that cause extra situation in flight


  • Василий Николаевич Казак National Aviation University Komarova Ave, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 03058, Ukraine
  • Дмитрий Олегович Шевчук National Aviation University Komarova Ave, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 03058, Ukraine
  • Михаил Андреевич Васильев National Aviation University Komarova Ave, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 03058, Ukraine




aircraft, extra situation, faults, control system, reconfiguration, control surfaces, diagnostics


This article is about typical aircraft system and components faults that cause to extra situation in flight. It is given statistic data about common control surfaces faults. It is analyzed three main types of faults: sensors faults, actuators, components faults and diagnostic how these faults affect on aircraft control system. It is developed fault diagnostics methodic in flight.

Author Biographies

Василий Николаевич Казак, National Aviation University Komarova Ave, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 03058

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Automation and Energy Management Department

Дмитрий Олегович Шевчук, National Aviation University Komarova Ave, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 03058


Automation and Energy Management Department

Михаил Андреевич Васильев, National Aviation University Komarova Ave, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 03058

Postgraduate student


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Technical Sciences