Genesis of development of human values in personality


  • Андрій Валерійович Осіпцов Mariupol State University, head of physical education, sport and health chair Budivelnykiv Ave., 129a , Mariupol, Ukraine, 87500, Ukraine



universal human values, traditional University, educational process, professional education, university students


The article deals with the philosophical, cultural, social and personal laws of genesis of human values, phenomenology of which is in their constructive feature helps to determine the processes of formation of axiologically-structured personality. Relevant issues of research are stated, which is associated with the need to organize a number of theoretical assumptions of psychological and pedagogical study of patterns of formation of human values

Author Biography

Андрій Валерійович Осіпцов, Mariupol State University, head of physical education, sport and health chair Budivelnykiv Ave., 129a , Mariupol, Ukraine, 87500

PhD, Associate Professor


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