Levels of use and understanding of idioms in speech of future tutors of preschool educational institutions


  • Юлія Анатоліївна Руденко South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named KDUshinsky 26 Staroportofrankovskaya str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020, Ukraine




expressive speech, future tutors, idioms, cognitive enrichment criterion, preschool educational institution


The article presents the exercises to test the levels of expressive speech of future tutors based on cognitive enrichiment criterion. The author presents the exercises to determine the level of understanding and use of idioms in speech. The article shows the positive dynamics of increasing levels of understanding and level of use of idioms in a speech on the future tutors in ascertaining and control stages of the experiment

Author Biography

Юлія Анатоліївна Руденко, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named KDUshinsky 26 Staroportofrankovskaya str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65020

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor

Department of theory and methodology of preschool education


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