Service industry in urban areas


  • Виктория Алексеевна Кавыршина Department of economic and legal issues of urban science Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Shevchenko blvd., 60, Kiev, Ukraine, 01032, Ukraine



urban agglomeration, service industry, big city, services, infrastructure, allocation.


The aim of the article is identifying the main factors and trends of self-organization of service industry with increasing the city and transition to agglomerations, analysis of the impact of interaction factor sites of objects of service industry in terms of single urbanization environment. It is proved that the service industry organizes itself, forming a system that mitigates competition. Recommendations that focus on improving the efficiency of allocation of infrastructure are given.

Author Biography

Виктория Алексеевна Кавыршина, Department of economic and legal issues of urban science Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Shevchenko blvd., 60, Kiev, Ukraine, 01032

PhD, senior researcher


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