Interpretive theories as the theoretical basis for the visual sociology


  • Виктория Юрьевна Солдатова Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 12 Shelkovichnaya str., Kiev, Ukraine, 01021, Ukraine



visual sociology, visual methods, interpretive theories, phenomenology, dramaturgical sociology, ethnomethodology


The article deals with the phenomenology, dramaturgical sociology and ethnomethodology as a theoretical basis for visual studies in sociology. Visual sociology and theoretical approaches are mentioned above are an attention to everyday life and construction of interpersonal interactions between social actors. Thus, visual methods of sociology are methods of collecting and analyzing visual data, and interpretive approaches are theoretical basis

Author Biography

Виктория Юрьевна Солдатова, Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 12 Shelkovichnaya str., Kiev, Ukraine, 01021

Graduate student

Department of Social Psychology


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