The review of identification and assay methods of β-blockers
arterial hypertension, pharmaceutical analysis, β-blockers, spectroscopy, chromatography, substance, dosage formsAbstract
Every year the number of β-blockers on the pharmaceutical market is increasing, requiring systematization of their standardization methods.
Aim of research. The aim of our research is to study literature data about identification and assay methods of β-blockers with different direction of action – selective (praktolol, metoprolol, atenolol, acebutolol, betaxolol, bevantolol, bisoprolol, celiprolol, esmolol, epanolol, esatenolol, nebivolol, Talinolol), non-selective (alprenolol, Oxprenololum, pindolol, propranolol, timolol, sotalol, nadolol, mepindolol, karteol, tertatolol, bopindolol, bupranolol, penbutolol, kloranolol) and combined (labetalol, carvedilol).
Methods. The analytical review of literature sources about β-blockers analysis by physical, chemical, and physicochemical methods.
Results. After literature sources’ analyzing it was found that physical and physicochemical constants are basically used for β-blockers pharmacopoeial analysis; both physicochemical values and chemical reactions are used in forensic analysis, resulting in the article.
It was founded that titration methods, mostly acid-base titration method, are used for β-blockers assay in the analysis of substances. For β-blockers detection in biological fluids and dosage forms, active pharmaceutical ingredients and metabolites mixture separation one should prefer physicochemical methods, such as gas chromatography and liquid chromatography, absorption UV-Visible spectroscopy, fluorometry, etc.
Conclusion. The results have shown can be used for the further search of the identification and assay optimal methods of β-blockers both pure and mixed with other active substances and excipients
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