Beta-blockers: research of the range, socio-economic availability and volume of consumption in ukraine
arterial hypertension, β-blockers, socio-economic availability, indicator of solvency adequacy, consumption, ATC/DDD methodologyAbstract
Beta-blockers (β-blockers) are widely used as a treatment of first choice for patients with arterial hypertension (HT). The numerous clinical studies data have shown that β-blockers hypotension effect is comparable with effects of the other first line antihypertensive remedies: calcium channel blockers, diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin II receptor antagonists. According to the modern international recommendations for hypertension treatment, the use of selective β-blockers, as safer remedies comparing to the non-selective, is the most reasonable, but economic accessibility of remedies to the consumer is an important factor of influencing their consumption.
Aim. The analysis of the range, socio-economic availability and volume of consumption of beta-blockers in pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.
Methods. Statistical and marketing methods, WHO ATC/DDD methodology. Research objects – the data about the range, price, and the number of drug packages sold within a given year of information retrieval system “Morion”.
Results. At the beginning of 2014, in pharmaceutical market of Ukraine β-blockers were presented by 16 INN as 169 mainly foreign trade names. The group of selective β-blockers was the most widely presented – 76,6% from the general range. In 2013, the number of foreign drugs decreased by 16% compared to 2009. Propranolol, atenolol, and atenolol with chlorthalidone combination (Ca.s. = 0,21; 0,22; 0,37) were the most available; esmolol was the least available remedy. β-blockers volume of consumption has increased from 9,18 DIDs (2008) TO 13,48 DIDs (2013). The consumption of selective β-blockers was higher than both non-selective, and α- and β-blockers.
Conclusion. During 2009-2013 a decreasing of the total number of different groups of β-blockers was observed. The majority of β-blockers are high available for the average citizen of Ukraine, which allows the choice of drugs considering its efficacy, safety and cost. Esmolol drugs are the least available; propranolol and atenolol drugs are the most available. Over the period the consumption of selective β-blockers dominated, more effective and safe compared to non-selective. The displayed dynamics of consumption is a result of implementation of clinical protocols of medical care for hypertensive patients, formulary system, which promotes distribution of the evidence-based medicine principles in Ukrainian medical practice
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