Development of independent creative activity of future technology teachers during design and technological activities


  • Микола Григорович Савельєв Rivne state humanities of university 12 S. Bandera str., Rovno, Ukraine, 33028, Ukraine



design and technological activities, creative activity, students, independent work, self-education, experience


Independent learning activities of the students of higher agricultural educational institutions are an integral part of the overall educational process aimed at training highly educated, competitive labor market specialist of agricultural production. It is one of the major problems of educational work of the higher agricultural educational institutions, because it is an assistance factor of motivation promotion of the students to independent acquisition of professional knowledge and development of their creative activity in the design and technological activities in out-of-school time

Author Biography

Микола Григорович Савельєв, Rivne state humanities of university 12 S. Bandera str., Rovno, Ukraine, 33028

Postgraduate student

Department of technology educationthe 


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Pedagogical Education