The senior pupils’ understanding of the essence of manipulative strategies in communicative sphere




manipulative strategy, influence, communicative sphere, senior pupil, educational process, teacher


The article is dedicated to the problem of an adequate understanding of the manipulative strategy in educational process of the modern school by the high school aged pupils. The topicality of the problem is connected with inadequate spread of manipulative interaction in all life spheres. The deficiency of the skill of expedient use of manipulation in pedagogical process as well as fixing manipulation as the main way of relation construction are the unfavorable variants of human development. There were characterized the main influence strategies in communication. There were cited the results of techniques and creative tasks that allow to reveal the understanding of essence of manipulative strategy and to study its functioning in the senior pupils’ communicative plane. The special authors’ attention was concentrated on determination of pedagogical conditions of mastering the experience of manipulative communication by the high school aged pupils. In the process of research there were determined the certain threatening moments: the significant part of senior pupils does not understand their own manipulative actions, but see it in surrounding people and is ready to aggressive response. The ability to use the ways of flexible, adaptive countermanipulation that allow retain communicative connections between pupils and teachers is not sufficiently developed in the pupils of high school age

Author Biographies

Валентина Григорівна Кучерявець, Nizhyn Gogol State University 2 Kropyvyanskoho str., Nizhyn, Ukraine, 16600

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogic Science

The department of education 

Інна Іванівна Киричок, Nizhyn Gogol State University 2 Kropyvyanskoho str., Nizhyn, Ukraine, 16600

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogic Science

The department of education 

Степан Миколайович Возняк, National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky 28 Povitroflotsky ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03049

Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences, head of the scientific cell


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Pedagogical Education