Description formalization of the components of education process model
education process model, criterion, resource component, rank model, holar model, directed graphAbstract
A general analysis of the components of the education process model is conducted The directed graph is proposed, the vertices of which are the criteria for the quality of the resource component of the process model. A rank model is developed that allows characterizing the criteria for the quality of the resource component. The procedure of transforming the rank model into the corresponding holar model is considered. Particular attention is paid to organizing a much simplified dialogue with an expert, which allows to significantly expand the list of teaching staff-developers of education process models. Scientific novelty of this research is determined by the developed on the basis of the method of analysis of the holar model of quantitative organization of the quality criteria of the resource component of the process model. It allows in the conditions of resource constraints (temporary or financial) to focus the attention of the developer of the education process model on the most important criteria for its quality
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