Motivation as a leading factor of organization of independent work of students in higher education institution


  • Марина Эдуардовна Морозова University of Management Education St. Artem , 52 -a , Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



teacher, motivation, learning, student, higher education institution, management, scientific and educational staff, development, independent work


The article deals with analyze of the features of teaching in various aspects and identification of features of teacher and student interactions that increase the effectiveness of the learning process, creating conditions for student's self-actualization. The features of motivation are defined for students’ training and directions of interaction between teacher and student. The implementation of methods of students’ training is describedted-space> and directions of interaction between teacher and student. The implementation of methods of students’ training is described

Author Biography

Марина Эдуардовна Морозова, University of Management Education St. Artem , 52 -a , Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

PhDDepartment of Economics and Personnel Management


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