Model of formation of future elementary school teachers’ readiness to use innovative technologies of teaching mathematics at elementary schools


  • Оксана Миколаївна Ліба Mukachevo State University 12 Uzhhorodska str., Mukachevo, Ukraine, 46009, Ukraine



model, modeling, elementary school teachers, innovative technology, teaching mathematics


The relevance of modeling of educational process at high school, used for precision and accuracy of description and definition of educational facilities and the development of pedagogical constructs is grounded in the article. The structure of readiness of future elementary school teachers to use innovative technologies of teaching mathematics at school model is described.

The process of model building is considered as a kind of bridge between speech designing and creating project of formation of future elementary school teachers’ readiness to use innovative technologies during teaching mathematics at school, which can be implemented in the students’ education at higher educational establishment.

The developed experimental model is characterized by integrity, structuring and dynamics. Integrity is found in the unity of objective and subjective components. Structuring model was determined by unity of its components. The structural and functional interaction and relationship of model blocks such as organizational, theoretical, action-molding, evaluative is reflected in the article. Dynamism is in the constant change, development, improvement, upgrade of the content, forms and methods of training students to use innovative technologies of teaching mathematics at elementary school

Author Biography

Оксана Миколаївна Ліба, Mukachevo State University 12 Uzhhorodska str., Mukachevo, Ukraine, 46009

Senior lecturer

Theory and Methodics of Elementary Education Department


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Pedagogical Education