Pedagogical conditions of generating professional competence for future marketers by the means of interactive technologies




professional preparation, future marketers, professional competence, pedagogical conditions, interactive technologies


The article proves that one of the main tasks of higher economic education modernization is the search for innovational approaches to professional preparation of marketers in order to generate professional competence. Having the scientific literature analyzed, the essence of professional competence is defined more precisely. The urgency of generating the professional competence for future marketers with the help of interactive technologies is stated. In the process of investigation the following issues were determined: the creation of professional and motivational surrounding by the means of interactive technologies; ensuring integrating approach to generating the professional competence for future marketers; involving students into quasi-professional activity based on business and role-playing games; the intensification of students’ self-educating activity by the means of interactive technologies.

The main factors, which are characteristic of the approach to the choice of pedagogical conditions are distinguished. They are methodical generation of professional competence for future marketers; representation of fulfillment of the mechanism how to produce professional competence for future marketers in the process of teaching with the help of interactive technologies; ensuring a step-by-step process of generating the professional competence for future marketers by the means of interactive technologies while implementing the functions of teaching, training and developing; systematic consideration of general didactic and specific principles of teaching

Author Biography

Світлана Євгенівна Адамів, Ternopil National Economic University 11 Lvivska str., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46020


International management and marketing department


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Pedagogical Education