Corporate social responsibility and human performance


  • Błażej Balewski Wyższa Szkoła Kadr Menedżerskich ul. Zagórowska 3a, Konin, Poland, 62-500, Poland
  • Andrzej Janowski Higher School of Personnel Management in Konin Zagórowska st. 3a, Konin, Poland, Poland


Mots-clés :

organizations, human performance, corporate social responsibility, society, global management, effectiveness


Enterprises operating in the 21st century, face constant and perpetual changes, which determine the rise of many obstacles for development. Mentioned organizations constitute parts of larger and more complex structures, comprising international networks. Therefore, their existence is determined by finding solutions that would improve weaknesses and facilitate growth acceleration. 

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Błażej Balewski, Wyższa Szkoła Kadr Menedżerskich ul. Zagórowska 3a, Konin, Poland, 62-500


Dean of Faculty of Economics

Andrzej Janowski, Higher School of Personnel Management in Konin Zagórowska st. 3a, Konin, Poland


The Headmaster of Banking and Insurance Faculty


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