Influence of cancer disease on dielectric characteristics of structural-functional state of erythrocyte membranes


  • Liliya Batyuk Kharkiv National Medical University ave. Lenina 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022, Ukraine


Słowa kluczowe:

erythrocytes, erythrocyte ghosts, dielectric relaxation frequency, dielectric permeability, hydration, temperature.


Aim. To define the character of mutagenic influence of cancer disease on the dielectric relaxation frequency of the water molecules in suspensions and erythrocyte ghosts in diapason of ultrahigh frequencies (UHF).

Methods. The study of dielectric relaxation frequency of the water molecules in solutions of erythrocytes and erythrocyte ghosts was carried out with the method of measurements of an actual (ε′) and imaginary (ε′′) parts of complex dielectric permeability. The value of dielectric constant ε′ was defined by the measurement of the resonance frequency (Δf) of resonator with pattern relative to an empty resonator and the value ε′′ - by the value of damping of power of UHF field as a result of introduction of dielectric in resonator.

Results. There were received the temperature dependencies of dielectric permeability for suspensions and erythrocyte ghosts in donors and cancer patients. In suspension of donor erythrocytes in temperature area 6-12, 17-40 and 43-46 °С and in suspension of erythrocytes of patients at temperatures 9-18, 23-37 and 43-46°С, it were observed the deviation of dielectric indicators from the monotonous growth that was attended by the reliable growth of the dielectric relaxation frequency fd of the water molecules in suspension of patient erythrocytes compared with the dielectric relaxation frequency fd of the water molecules in suspension of donor erythrocytes. There were calculated the values of energy of time activation of dielectric relaxation of the water molecules in given systems.

Conclusions. It was detected the growth of the dielectric relaxation frequency of the water molecules in suspension of erythrocytes of cancer patients in temperature interval 1-46 °С compared to the dielectric relaxation frequency of the water molecules in suspension of erythrocytes of the healthy donors. It was revealed that in temperature diapason 6-12 °С, 43-46 °С in suspension of donor erythrocytes and in temperature diapason 9-18 °С, 23-37 °С, 43-46 °С in suspension of erythrocytes of cancer patients take place the changes of the state of water that leads to loosening of the structure of lipid biolayer of membrane.


Biogram autora

Liliya Batyuk, Kharkiv National Medical University ave. Lenina 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

Candidate of Biological Sciences

Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Medical Information Science


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