Analysis of education financing models on a macrolevel
DOI:Ключевые слова:
financing, education, non-state sources, educational cluster, financing model, diversification of sourcesАннотация
Possible sources of funding for the higher education system in Ukraine have been explored based on the study of existing financing models in the world. The experience of using different sources of financing in developing countries is analyzed, and the main aspects of the directions of development of the sphere of higher education for Ukraine. The prospects of using non-state sources of financing through the integration of education, science and production in the conditions of scientific and educational clusters have been determined. The formation of educational clusters as a perspective form of interaction between participants in the educational process is proposedБиблиографические ссылки
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Copyright (c) 2018 Olena Reshetnyak, Iaroslav Radchenko, Yuliya Zaika, Ievgeniia Levytska, Tetiana Kunicheva
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