Concept and peculiarities of the primus in the labor law of Ukraine, whether in connection with legal responsibility
administrative and preventive measures, administrative coercion, prevention, restriction, service law, preventive character, coercion, termination, public serviceAbstract
The article covers the scientific approaches to understanding categories as "coercion", "state coercion", "administrative coercion". The signs of coercion in the official law of Ukraine, which is not related to legal liability, are disclosed. Emphasizing the specifics of coercion in the official law of Ukraine, not related to legal liability). Proposed under compulsion in the law of law, not related to legal liability, it is necessary to understand the application of the measures provided for by the administrative and legal norms of the measures of influence on the law-abiding subjects who are exposed to their negative consequences of moral, personal, property, organizational or other character with the aim prevention or termination of unlawful actions, overcoming their harmful consequences.
Measures of administrative coercion, not related to legal liability, constitute their own administrative and preventive measures as a set of measures of official influence of state bodies, and in cases of delegation of relevant powers and public associations to individuals, legal entities, regardless of the will and desire of the latter , in the form of moral, personal, property, organizational restrictions of their rights, freedoms, legitimate interests in order to prevent the commission of unlawful acts by any and certain persons, zab BAKING enforcement under any circumstances.
The purpose of administrative and preventive measures, which is complex and in fact combines two elements: general preventive and specially preventive (general and special preventive measures). Measures of administrative coercion of a preventive nature are used to prevent the commission of offenses on the part of concrete persons and to prevent certain types of offenses. This circumstance allows the conditional division of the actual preventive measures of administrative coercion into two subgroups: measures special (detailed, with a clearly defined specialpreventive purpose) and general (with a general purpose purpose) character
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