Foreign experience legal regulation of administrative services in environment and natural resources


  • Konstantin Kuchma Dnepropetrovsk District Administrative Court Akademika Yanhelia str., 4, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49089, Ukraine



administrative service, permit, implementation, service, natural resources, ecology


The scientific research is devoted to the coverage of foreign experience in providing administrative services in the field of ecology and the use of natural resources and the way of implementation in the domestic legislation of Ukraine. The legislation of Kazakhstan, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom on the provision of administrative services in the field of ecology and the use of natural resources is covered. The expediency of developing and implementing a common environmental permit operating in the territory of the European Union countries is determined, and it will help to ensure the integrated use of natural resources.

It is established that the right of nature use in foreign countries arises in the order of providing administrative services (obtaining permits, licenses, certificates, etc.) or in the order of concluding administrative contracts (usually based on the results of the competition). The first group includes such foreign countries as the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation. The second group of foreign countries includes the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Federal Republic of Germany in terms of regulating the procedure for granting a subsoil plot for use.

It is proved that the competitive procedure for concluding administrative contracts for the geological study of subsurface resources and (or) mining of minerals allows to avoid the subjective factor in the distribution of natural resources of national importance, provided that the principles of transparency and openness of the relevant administrative procedures are observed. The expediency of introducing the experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provides for the possibility of using combined contracts (contracts) depending on specific operations for the use of nature, is justified, and the procedure for concluding such contracts and their content is determined by law.

The success of the results of the centralization projects for the provision of administrative services in the use of land resources has been determined through the establishment of centralized registers of land registration in the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Sweden. It is established that the common world trend, which is typical for Ukraine, is the integration of the functions of administration in the sphere of ecology and natural resources, which, in particular, is expressed in a combination of registration of rights to land and cartographic activities, forest and land resources accounting, and the like.

It is determined that in the system of providing administrative services in the field of natural resources in Western European countries (for example, in the Kingdom of Denmark, in the Kingdom of Sweden, etc.), there is a transition from a decentralized model of state registers, in particular, through the creation of a unified centralized land accounting system , which is primarily due to the need to inform registries and ensure the nationwide access of citizens to such registries, it is possible to provide only in conditions of the state A centralized approach to the feet

Author Biography

Konstantin Kuchma, Dnepropetrovsk District Administrative Court Akademika Yanhelia str., 4, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49089



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How to Cite

Kuchma, K. (2018). Foreign experience legal regulation of administrative services in environment and natural resources. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2 (4), 31–35.



Juridical Science